The Desert

15 02 2010

I love the desert.

There is no way to describe why I love the desert, except for these words written by David when he was hiding in this barren wasteland from Saul.

O God, You are my God. Earnestly I seek You.
My Soul thirsts for You.
My Body longs for You…
In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Psalm 63:1

The Desert of Judah is a stunning thing to behold. It’s canyons, cliffs, and high places make it an awesome place. David knew this place well. The Judah Desert is right in the backyard of both Bethlehem and Jerusalem. In the biblical story, it’s the land of the shepherd. So David as a boy who is put in charge of his dad’s sheep probably knew every nook and cranny of that place. It’ would have been a place where he would have been all alone for days, even week’s caring for his dad’s sheep. It would have been the place where he would learn how to defend himself against the lion and the bear. But even more, this would be the place where David would become a man after God’s own heart.

The desert.

This dry, barren wasteland was sometimes referred to as the Tehom, the watery deep, leading into the abyss (Dead Sea).

Yet, it is here where I sense God like no other place.

I think it’s because God loves this place, too. Yes, people can look at it, and say that is the abyss, because on its appearance it is a wasteland. It is hot and intensely barren. It is quite the contrary to our “Disneyland” way of life.

However, in Jeremiah 2, God reminds a “back-sliding” people – Do you remember our honeymoon in the desert? Do you remember when we were lovers and first getting to know each other? What happened to us? (Yes, this is my paraphrase). God is asking these questions through the prophet Jeremiah, a man who grew up in Anathoth, a suburb just outside Jerusalem overlooking the Judah Desert. Then it’s through Jeremiah, a man familiar with the desert, through whom God answers His question. What went wrong – You dug cisterns for yourself that are broken and hold no water. In doing so, you have forsaken Me, the Spring of Living Water.

To me, what is so amazing about the desert, while it is utterly barren in terms of “worldliness, here, in this place, the presence of God just gushes.

Is it coincidence then that out of the Judah Desert flows this beautiful spring? In biblical times (and even today) the place of this spring is called En Gedi, which means the Spring of the deer. In fact, we read at the end of 1 Samuel 23 and the beginning of 24 that this is one of the places David hides from Saul. When you come to this place after driving through the hot desert climate, you can’t imagine how excited David must have been to come to this spring (he wasn’t driving). Is this what David came upon that caused his heart to write Psalm 63? I can’t help but think so.

Do you hear what David is saying – in this dry and weary place where there is no water… yes, I am thirsty… yes, I am hungry. But as much as I would love a glass of water or a hearty meal… my soul and my entire being, in this place, thirst and hunger for the living God. God I want you. My heart and my soul want to feast on You.

The desert.

The desert, like that spring, gushes with God.

I love the desert.
I thank God that I get this time in the Desert.

“As the deer pants for the streams of water so my soul longs for Thee.”



5 responses

15 02 2010
Tom Glendening


Thanks for sharing. It’s exciting to hear what God is doing. God bless you and your family.
Praying His peace,
Psalm 42:1
As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.

16 02 2010
mary/dave vansolkema

Good Morning Rod, Lib, Gabe,Benski and Katie, Much love and prayers from Gramps and Gram this morning. The snow is falling beautifully on Mona Lake. Just a question. I was reading Gen35:19@20 and I began to wonder if the pillar set up by Jacob in memory of his beloved Rachel who died giving birth to Benjamin (namesake for Bennet {smile}) is still evident today? The Bible indicates it to be near Bethlehem. We pray for another wonderful day as all of you again experience God’s presence!!! We love you all!! Dad and Mom

19 02 2010
Spencer Barron

Rod & Lib,
I was on your Church’s website just the other day thinking about you guys and wondering what was going on in your lives and if the Jerusalem thing was going to happen….Then I saw Ron and he told me about this site and Blog. I wish I knew how to spell envious, because that’s what I am.
I’m praying for you guys!
I’m not sure exactly how long you’ll be there but there’s good news and bad news…..You’re going to get so stinkin’ nasty covered by all that dust that you’ll NEVER get it off…..Did I say there was some “bad news”? Naaaaah That’s GREAT news!!!


PS . Do you still have the same email address?

20 02 2010
Tina Ely

Dear VanSolkema Family,
I just wanted to say thank you for the blogs and pictures. I don’t know that my family will ever see or experience the things you are seeing and experiencing, so thank you for what you share. We are so excited for you and pray for your health and safety on this journey.
Thanks and blessings,
Tina Ely

21 02 2010
Lynda Plowman

Hey guys!! Sounds like you are having an interesting time in Israel. I must say I am a little jealous of the weather, even the hail. We are supposed to have another huge storm coming through in the next few days. Probably another snow day for the boys. I was laughing about Bennett barfing. Up until about three years ago, we could not fly anywhere without at least one of the boys barfing. One time we were just walking off the plane and Adam hurled so hard, it not only got all over him, but all over Sam, and Sam’s little wheelie carry on. We had to buy new shirts for both of them, and eventually ditched Sam’s bag because we couldn’t get the barf out of the mess and it reaked!! All that to say, treasure this time and the laughs that you will have. Be safe! Love and miss you

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